Safest gay porn sites

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Because Falcon is part of the NakedRagingHotFalcon studio group with the same production employees that’s owned by the same porn conglomerate (AEBN), I’ve placed them all together in the bareback column (but, there has not been a bareback movie released specifically under the Falcon line yet). Studios now releasing bareback gay porn include: CockyBoys (via their “Fans Only” line), Men, PrideStudios, Raging Stallion, and Hot House.

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It’s been one year since this post has been updated, and there are several major changes to report. That studio is called GayRoom, and they’re an independently-owned studio based in Las Vegas that releases two or three condom scenes per month. Following the news today that Arizona-based gay porn studio GayHoopla has made the switch to bareback gay porn, there is now just ONE studio left in the gay adult entertainment industry that produces gay porn scenes with condoms.

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